Thursday, August 26, 2010

An apple a day... er, a pancake a day?

I'm hungry for breakfast.

I never used to be a breakfast person. Not only was it my least favorite meal of the day, but I was one of those people who would feel sick if I ate anything too early in the day. This was who I was, that is, until I had the whole grain banana pancakes from Country Kitchen in Highland Park.

I'm well aware that pancakes are naturally a great breakfast food. Chocolate, banana, blueberry, oat, plain, buckwheat. The options are endless. But until you've had these whole grain banana pancakes, you have never tasted a great pancake. They are cooked perfectly with just the right amount of bananas included, and when you top them with syrup, you'll inevitably be part of the clean plate club.

When I got these for the first time, my friend Alexi and I ordered a plate to share in addition to an omelette. Needless to say, the omelette was barely touched and we both not-so-secretly wanted to order a second plate of these delectable breakfast cakes.

Now, I understand that not everyone (including myself) has time to have such a time-intensive breakfast every morning. But since these pancakes, I have now started to eat breakfast on a regular basis. Doctors and nutritionists say that you have to eat breakfast, that you won't be able to function without it. And for the first time in my whole life, I agree with them.

Here are some easy fixes that I love for anyone on-the-go:

Fresh fruit (grapes and apples are the easiest to take with you)
Greek yogurt with cereal (pack the cereal separately so when you get to work you can add it to the yogurt)
Breakfast bars (the best are Fiber One Plus almond and dark chocolate)

If you're not a breakfast person, you clearly just have not really experienced the meal yet with these amazing pancakes.

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