Thursday, September 2, 2010

Movin' out.

I'm hungry to move.

Finally, it's September! And with this wonderful fall month comes my move-in date for my brand new condo in the Gold Coast. Of course, I have been working the past few days while my roommate and friend of 15 years, Eve has been readying our new place for my arrival on Saturday.

To be honest, I'm not really, truly ready to move out of my parents' house. It's comfortable here. I know that there will always be food waiting for me, a comfy bed to sleep in and a roof to relax under, even when the rest of my life is beyond stressful. With my own apartment might come freedom, but with it a plethora of brand new responsibilities and inevitably, stress.

But that's not even the main reason I'm sad to move out. Stress I can cope with and will eventually phase itself out, then replaced by new stress from life in general. I'm mostly sad to leave my family. I think it's really interesting that college kids talk such big game about moving out as quickly as they can find an apartment after graduation, but I don't think they really know what they're getting into. Why would you want to move out of a perfectly good, furnished house with a well-stocked refrigerator? I did. Now I'm not so sure why I was in such a rush.

Wasn't I saying I was excited about this?

Yes, I am. The fact of the matter is, I am beyond excited. For freedom, for a new life, and yes, even for the extra responsibility. There's something so magical about being completely in charge of every aspect of your own life, and this will be my first time I will be in complete control. I cannot wait to get moved in, even if sadness might eclipse my excitement for a while.

Does this mean that I'll never come home? Absolutely not. Especially for dinners and vacations. Anything that's with my family and free, count me in.

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