I am hungry for turkey.
And cranberries and stuffing and sweet potatoes and veggie casserole. And anything else that might be thrown onto the Thanksgiving buffet last minute. Literally, anything.
Thanksgiving is a huge holiday in my family. My mom and dad's side of the family, and then all of their relatives, all get together for holiday dinner, football, catching up and relaxing. We have a massive amount of food because, after all, there are more than 30 of us that end up gathering around the table. We eat, chat, and then fall into our yearly food comas around the TV.
This is the first year that I've really been thankful for my family. Yes, obviously every year I am thankful for them, for having them, being able to be a part of such an amazing group. But sitting, looking around at everyone, catching up with cousins that have moved away but came back for this dinner, it made me really appreciate everyone.
I was reminded of all good childhood memories. There are 13 cousins in all, and growing up, we were extremely close. We all eventually got older, got our own individual (and very different) personalities and naturally grew apart. But growing apart doesn't have to mean taking each other for granted. I am so lucky to have so much family that lives near me here in Chicago, family that I can rely on and call on when I need or want. Those same cousins that I used to play Barbies with or share birthday parties with can be the same cousins that become my confidantes as adults. Not for everything, but for family, I can always find something.
Thanksgiving truly is about family, and if at no other time, I am happy that I remembered that this holiday season.
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